Teasers! Some of the events to look forward to in this year's schedule

In preparation for the release of the final events program, we're
taking this opportunity to bring you some highlights to be found at
Geekmoot 2015.
The Keynote
We are delighted that Robert Campbell, ‘Calguy’, project leader of
for many years, and now lead developer, is giving the keynote. Robert
will look at the history of CMS Made Simple, where we are now, and where
we intend to go, with a particular focus on CMSMS
Advanced Smarty tips and tricks
A must-have skill set for any CMSMS Developer is the ability to bend
Smarty to your will. Here Fernando Morgado
(JoMorg) takes us through Smarty
functions, file based templates, template inheritance, and more!
Read about more of the events at the GeekMoot Site
Send a Dev Flying!

As you know, the CMSMS Devs are quite an international bunch :) Some
of the devs will need to fly long international flights to get to
Belgium and while all good things in life should be free, air travel is
You can show your appreciation for your favorite CMS by donating
towards sending some devs flying. Our undying gratitude and an
honorable mention on the donations page are guaranteed.
Want to help? Add a donation at the GeekMoot site
How GeekMoot can supercharge your business

As I sit writing this article, I’m thinking about the jobs
that I have on at the moment. There are
quite a few. I can honestly say that
around 50% of them would not be mine (or at least not in the way they are being
done) without previous GeekMoots. In
those previous GeekMoots I have found customers, forged and solidified
relationships with suppliers, plus I have learned a great deal about CMSMS on the
way. Oh, and I joined the Dev team!
Geekmoot is a fun weekend attended by serious people. For most
attendees it will at least mean
travelling over one border. For many it
will mean a long journey through sea and air to get to Ghent. People
don’t come to GeekMoot on a whim. People come to get something serious
out of
Read the full article on our blog
DEVmoot - an exclusive, in-depth session with Robert Campbell
not like Robert hangs around in Europe a lot, so we have asked him if
he is willing to do an in-depth session about coding for CMS made
Simple, modules, etc. And he is.
Devmoot: A day
of CMSMS programming wisdom with Robert Campbell, a.k.a. Calguy, aimed
primarily at programmers who are writing or want to write custom
business solutions for their customers.
Building Modules for CMSMS 2.0
Robert will deliver a lecture on developing modules for CMSMS 2.0. This is an essential presentation for any developer who
wants to get ahead of the curve with module development for the new version of CMSMS.
Read more about the DEVmoot at the GeekMoot site