New Release
Today we are delighted to announce the release of CMS Made Simple v2.2.19 - Selkirk. v2.2.19 - Selkirk is an incremental bug fix and stability release.
For further detailed information, please see the changelog where there is a full list of fixes and improvements.
As per the Dev Team's official support policy, the only versions of CMSMS currently supported are now v2.2.18 and v2.2.19. Please upgrade at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for your continued support and use of CMS Made Simple!
The CMS Made Simple Dev Team has recently wrapped up a very successful DevMoot in the Welsh countryside. The focus of this event was to plan for the future of CMSMS and reenergize the team - in which we were hugely successful!

Over the next few months we'll be sharing some of our goals and involving the community as we continue to improve your favourite CMS.

clockwise from left: Simon, Morten, José, Fernando, John, Matt, Tristan, André, Chris.
Dev Team
The CMS Made Simple Dev Team is made up of talented people dedicated to making the best open source CMS out there.
The team and a growing group of devoted CMSMSers meet semi-regularly on Slack to discuss plans for the product and how to move forward.
Looking for custom CMS Made Simple work?
Most of the Dev Team members are available for freelance work, and each have a unique set of specialties. Please submit a request at Hire a Dev. Or check out the Dev Team page on the CMS Made Simple website.
We're also starting a new Fund Raising campaign for CMS Made Simple!
Every contribution will enable our Development Team to spend more time and resources on ongoing core development & improvements.