Upcoming CMS Made Simple 2.2.20 release
We are today announcing our next release of your favourite CMS software, and this time we are doing it a little differently! As you’ll know, traditionally we have worked to get the release out as its development schedule dictates rather than setting a date in advance. However, we have decided that we want to try a different working ethic. To that end, we are pleased to announce the next release will be available for download on April the 8th 2024.
This version will be different. We are of course mindful of any essential fixes that should come out, but the main feature of this release is designed to help you get your website clients up to speed as editors, potentially saving you hours in training time.
The userguide2 module, currently available as an add on, will be joining the core modules. It will be released with a CMS Made Simple Foundation video course pre-installed, streaming a handful of lessons essential to an editor. These will show an editor how to use the file manager, the content manager and the news module as well as showing them how and where to get further help.
Of course, what the course cannot do is train an editor on any custom ‘stuff’ you have built for them, so there will be opportunity to monetise your own custom training if that is part of your business. Likewise any reference in the course to getting help always advises that the first contact is you, the website’s developer. And finally, like any module, if you prefer to remove it so you can do your own training, that is a simple job from within the module manager.
We hope that this new training feature will save many hours of your time and thus help you run your businesses/clubs/communities accordingly.
So add the 8th of April to your diary, and watch this space!
John Scotcher
Dev Team
CMS Made Simple
January '24 Module Releases
Cache Remote File 1.3
15 January 2024
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SEOBoost v1.4.4
9 January 2024
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Utilities v1.9
5 January 2024
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Dev Team
The CMS Made Simple Dev Team is made up of talented people dedicated to making the best open source CMS out there.
The team and a growing group of devoted CMSMSers meet semi-regularly on Slack to discuss plans for the product and how to move forward.
If you're interested in joining this team and contributing to the future of CMSMS get in touch on Slack.
Hire a Dev
Looking for custom CMSMS Made Simple work?
Most of the Dev Team members are available for freelance work, and each have a unique set of specialties. Please submit a request at Hire a Dev. Or check out the Dev Team page on the CMS Made Simple website.
We're also starting a new Fund Raising campaign for CMS Made Simple!
Every contribution will enable our Development Team to spend more time and resources on ongoing core development & improvements.